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AirLink Devices

Preface: A note on Bluetooth® SIG requirements, Oct 2023


Our understanding is that the Bluetooth® Special Interest Group requires that any entity (manufacturer or distributor) branding/re-branding/incorporating and selling devices with Bluetooth® must register as a member with the SIG at, as well as declare the product and the Bluetooth® component being used. This is true for resellers, distributors, and all commercial sales. We understand that the final sold brand and product name must be separately declared by the seller, even if the component containing Bluetooth® has been declared by the manufacturer.

Although membership is free to start, each declaration of products within the membership portal costs $9,600 as of this writing. Multiple products using the same Bluetooth® component (technically this is defined as one with an approved QDID) can be added to a new or existing declaration, however if the underlying Bluetooth® component is changed even within the same product, a new declaration must be filed with the full fee. Repercussions of not filing declarations may include shipments of the product being held by customs agents, using a global reference list maintained at The SIG conducts regular reviews of compliance of a company, based on products listed with the Bluetooth® brand on the company's website.

This requirement as we understand only applies for sold products, not prototypes.

Please note that this note is not official Bluetooth® SIG communication, but rather it is our understanding of the requirements set by the Bluetooth® SIG as of this writing.

Development Resources

Range Testing

How far will an AirLink Bluetooth® link go? We tested the range from a basic smartphone to a device.

Nordic Device Firmware

Nordic makes the most popular set of Bluetooth chips, and we have developed example firmware to support provisioning, data as well as full Nexus token capability. This firmware is meant to act as a reference for developing custom bluetooth hardware that supports AirLink and also to act as a testbed while developing a custom AirLink gateway app.

Nordic firmware reference source code is available on the AirLink Devices github repository.

A Nordic DVK-BLE kit running AirLink demo firmware

A Nordic DVK-BLE kit running AirLink demo firmware

Programming the Nordic kit with AirLink demo firmware

Programming the Nordic kit with AirLink demo firmware

The open-source example firmware is fully featured for the device lifecycle as well as has AirLink PAYG out of the box - and is sufficiently flexible to quickly create new use cases for new types of devices. See the rest of this page for concepts on which the firmware is built, or jump directly into the firmware source code itself - More information on AirLink example Firmware

The AirLink communication protocol relies on the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)'s "Resource Model", where related properties are grouped into a named resource. OCF resource models map well to REST/JSON implementations with endpoints as resources and key-value pairs as properties and values. Similarly, they can also map to Bluetooth Services and properties.

More on OCF models

Resource models

The OCF bridging recommendation covers GATT properties well, however it does not cover Advertising nor does it cover a resource enumerator explicitly. Resource discovery using named models (e.g. /batt for battery) is a key idea of OCF models however, and AirLink implements this by using BLE Descriptors.

AirLink Devices adopt the Open Connectivity Foundation's Resource Model bridging guidelines for Bluetooth LE devices. A key feature of this bridge is that several OCF Resources are wrapped into one Bluetooth Service to make GET/POST requests efficient. We leverage CBOR for this encapsulation.


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We used the following additional assumptions to design AirLink resource models:

  1. Bluetooth gateways from any vendor adopting AirLink should be able to detect other AirLink devices, to ensure interoperability as well as crowd-sourced stolen asset detection. Hence the advertising packet needs to follow an open format with sufficient information to identify the device and it's basic state
  2. Extended advertising should not be required to transmit the required data, limiting the overall size to 26 bytes
  3. The advertisement data packet as well as other GATT service characteristics must be CBOR encoded lists of Resource Model properties. This is designed for compatibility with the Nexus Channel effort. The GATT characteristics should be in 2-D array format, whereas the Advertisement packet will be a single dimensional byte array with positionally separated properties to conserve data packet length. The gateway device then converts this into a 2-D CBOR array and includes location information before transmitting to the server.
  4. Location is to be appended by the gateway device before transmission to the server, as non-gateway devices are unlikely to have GSM/GPS to locate themselves. However, devices can store locations provided to them by gateway devices to enable a location history within the device if required
  5. Pay-as-you-go credits are sent as Nexus Keycode Tokens, with planned future support for OpenPAYGO Tokens - this is to ensure interoperability with existing keypad/remote enabled devices as well as independence from time-stamp synchronization between server/gateway/end device.
  6. We cover the following general use cases here:
  7. Required: Asset locatability by any gateway via advertisement
  8. Required: Resource enumerator service
  9. Required: Pay-as-you-go credits - we postulate that this does not require manufacturer specific authorization because OpenPAYG Tokens are already securely encrypted between a server and device
  10. Self-provisioning as supported by servers
  11. Optional: Power use and Productive Output data logging

Device Resource Discovery

  1. The advertisement packet is a compressed resource always readable from the device. We designate it as an 'Implicit GET'. A gateway device reads this resource while scanning for devices (before a connection is established), and decompresses it to create a standard-format resource model compatible with AirLink Server. It adds items such as resource type, interface type etc as required by OCF but also timezone, location lat-lon where the device was discovered and the manufacturer ID which is in the bluetooth advertisement header
  2. The /res enumerator resource in AirLink is not included explicitly but each bluetooth property has the corresponding resource endpoint in its ‘Descriptor’ field, removing the need for an explicit descriptor resource while still allowing gateways to discover resources available in a device
  3. To discover how a device gets added to the AirLink server, check the AirLink Server page!
Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
“mac” 6 Default AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 Bluetooth MAC ID Automatically available in BLE Advertisement. Sent to AirLink server as advt_mac converted to all-caps text e.g. BD:DD:EE:FF:AA:BB
Array Cbor header 1 CBOR Header Array declaration header of 8 elements
BLE Advt resource version "rv" 3 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 10 (major/minor digits), 2 Bytes = 2^(8*2) = 65536 i.e from 0-65535 (0xFFFF) The format of the data version according to the protocol used. First integer is major number, second minor
Device Fault Status "ft", cbor encoded 1 Read-Only,Integer (uint8_t),Scope: Time-series AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 From 0-23. Any Universal error that should be executed with priority. Error 0 = Unprovisioned, Error 1 = Lost track of PAYG credit (battery off), Error 2 = Battery Fault, Error 3 = Output Overcurrent/Overtemp - details in ftd field in timeseries data, Error 23 = Lost device (e.g. when device doesn't find other Bluetooth devices from it's 'pack'. Errors 4-22 are manufacturer specific
Device Airlink ID "aid" + Cbor header 4 bytes 5 Read-Only,Optional AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 2^(8*4) = 4,294,967,296 numeric device ids. The ID of the device that resides in manufacturer registry. AirLink uses the BLE mac ID to uniquely identify an unknown device so this is only a human readable option
Timestamp last pulled from gateway or network "gts" 5 Read-Only,Byte Array AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 Linux epoch format, expires in Y2035
Device provisioning status "pst" 1 Integer (uint8_t),Read-Only,Scope: Time-series AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 2^8 = 256 i.e from 0-255 (0xFF) The status of the device according to manufacturer definition. It can be 1-unserialized, 2-unprovisioned, 3-disabled, 4-recall, 5-stolen, 6-9-Manufacturer custom. The range is from 1-9. If not supported then 0
Device FW Ver "fv" 2 Read-Only,Integer (uint8_t) AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 2^8 = 256 i.e from 0-255 (0xFF). Shows the version of the hardware firmware. It ranges from 01-99. If not supported then 0
Device PayG Credit Remaining "cr" 5 Read-Only, Scope: Time-series AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 2^(8*2) = 65536 i.e from 0-65535 (0xFFFF). The value remaining for the device to OFF. Range is from 01-9999. If non payg device then 0
Expected RSSI at 1 meter “s1” 2 Read-Only,Scope: Client,Integer (uint8_t) AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 Expected signal strength of this Bluetooth device for a receiver (phone / other Bluetooth device) placed at 1 meter, used for distance estimation. Value is in negative dB (e.g. a value of s1=70 is considered to be -70dB). Calibrated during device prototyping, and adjusted by each device for any changes in it’s transmit power with respect to the transmit power at calibration time (e.g. +2dB transmit power during advertising ⇒ s1=68, if 0dB transmit power at calibration time had yielded an RSSI of -70dB).
Spare 1 AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 Can be used for Manufacturer specific information, for example type of asset, data about status etc
Dummy “dmy” Optional AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length advts, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths
Device Manufacturer ID "mid" added by gateway device Integer (uint16_t),Read-Only,Mandatory,Scope: Time-series AirLink Advt Resource 1.0 From Device advertisement - all manufacturers and end brands of BLE products need to be registered with Bluetooth SIG, as well as EnAccess as tenants to use this service

Location Resource /loc

Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
Array Cbor header 1 CBOR Header Array declaration header of 8 elements
Timestamp last pulled from gateway or network "gts" 5 Read-Only,Byte Array Location Resource 1.0 Linux epoch format, expires in Y2035
Gateway Manufacturer ID "gmid" added by gateway device 2 Integer (uint16_t),Read-Only,Mandatory Location Resource 1.0 How can we prevent one manufacturer from messing up the other's IDs?
Gateway AirLink ID "gid" added by gateway device 5 Integer (uint32_t) Location Resource 1.0
Longitude "ln" added by gateway device String Location Resource 1.0 Added by gateway device reporting location of non-gateway device, 10 octets
Latitude "lt" added by gatway device String Location Resource 1.0 Added by gateway device reporting location of non-gateway device, 10 octets
Location accuracy "la" added by gateway device String Location Resource 1.0 Added by gateway device reporting location of non-gateway device, 6 octets
Device Signal strength "dss" added by gateway device String Location Resource 1.0 Added by gateway device reporting the exactly location of the device from a gateway expressed in dBm
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource.
Dummy “dmy” Optional AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths

Device Config Service

  1. We presume and recommend self-provisioning, although this resource can also be written to if the device firmware permits.
  2. Gateways can be updated with a list of these configurations for downstream devices
  3. The command resource is a passthrough for building a custom encrypted application links e.g. Nexus Channel
  4. On connection, the gateway must write the server access token property with the correct value for that device, upon which the rest of the properties are opened by the device for communication. This is expected to be the programmed behavior of AirLink devices
Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
Device Provisioning resource version "rv" 3 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 10 (major/minor digits)
Device ID "did" + Cbor header 20 bytes 21 Mandatory,Read-Write AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 UTF-8 coded device serial numbers
AirLink ID "aid" + Cbor header 4 bytes 5 Mandatory,Read-Write AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 2^(8*4) = 4,294,967,296 numeric device ids. The ID of the device that maps 1:1 in manufacturer registry to serial number
Payg Token starting code "psc" 5 Write-Only,Scope: Shared AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 1-day token,
PayG Unit "un" 1 Encrypted,Read-Write,Mandatory,String,Scope: Shared,Scope: Client AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 The default PAYG unit. [0 = No units, not recommended, 1 = Seconds, 2 = Hours, 3 = Days, 10 = Liters, 11 = Gallons, 20 = Watt Hour, 21 = kWh]
Provisioning Status "pst" 1 Unencrypted,Integer,Mandatory,Read-Write,Scope: Client AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 Reflected in Advt packet also. It can be unprovisioned, disabled, recall, stolen, Cash, Loan. The range is from 1-9. If not supported then 0
Server access Token "sat" 21 Encrypted,String,Mandatory,Write-Only,Scope: Shared AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 has a 20-char device authentication token unique to each device. During device provisioning, this token is written to the device, permanently attaching the device to the server. The token is never transmitted again.
Current Unix Time “cut” 4 Write-Only AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 This property can be used to sync or correct system time.
Productive Output Set Limit "opmax" 4 Read-Write,Integer,Scope: Shared,Scope: Client AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 Max brightness, max water flow etc set for safety / environmental reasons / other reasons
Dummy “dmy” Optional AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths
Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
Client Provisioning resource version "rv" 3 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only 10 (major/minor digits)
Customer Name "cn" 16 Unencrypted,String,Optional,Read-Write,Scope: Shared,Scope: Client AirLink Client Provisioning 1.0 Requested by customers for lost device reporting. This writes the customer name to a device with the maximum of 16 characters with space and special characters inclusive.
Customer's Phone "cp" 16 Unencrypted,String,Optional,Read-Write,Scope: Shared,Scope: Client AirLink Client Provisioning 1.0 Requested by customers for stolen device reporting (needs a workflow to collect this number explicitly from client in addition to regular lead number). Assign the mobile number of the customer to a device. With maximum of 16 character including + and country code number. This is for security purpose

PUE Use Service

We envision 2 primary usages of a productive use asset:

  1. PAYG control: This is a generic PAYG packet intended to cover all known PAYG use cases for BLE assets
  2. Use data (time-series): This is a generic IoT Data packet designed to cover both battery-less and battery-based devices
  3. Gateways can accumulate data for/from several devices

PAYG Credit Resource /pc

Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor map header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
AirLink PAYG resource version "rv" 3 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only 10 (major/minor digits)
Timeseries History remaining “tsh” 2 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 Any resource with one or more timeseries properties is enabled with this optional property which can indicate that the device has stored historical data while offline that it can sequentially upload to the gateway via multiple reads
Device PayG Credit Remaining "re" 5 Mandatory,Integer,Read-Write,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 should be The value remaining for the device to OFF. For Write, a Nexus Channel Link must be established otherwise read-only, updated via token
PayG Unit "un" 1 Encrypted,Read-Write,Mandatory,String,Scope: Shared,Scope: Client AirLink Device Provisioning 1.0 The unit of the PayG update. [0 = No units, not recommended, 1 = Seconds, 2 = Hours, 3 = Days, 10 = Liters, 11 = Gallons, 20 = Watt Hour, 21 = kWh]
Mode "mo" 1 Read-Write,Scope: Shared Attr PAYG Credit 1.0 mode of device i.e. leading/following etc. For Write, a Nexus Channel Link must be established otherwise read-only, updated via token
PayG Token "tkn" 5 Write-Only,Encrypted,Integer,Scope: Shared Attr PAYG Credit 1.0 Accepted by device only if valid. No read token to ensure unsecured gateways cannot act maliciously.
Timestamp of last PAYG Update to device "lts" 5 Read-Only,DateTime,Optional,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 Linux epoch format, expires in Y2035, readonly - Historical last PayG update Timestamp
Current Local Time "lt" 5 Read-Write,DateTime,Optional,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 Linux epoch format, expires in Y2035. The current time when updating the device with PayG update. We do not recommend using this to calculate PAYG use, because it could be used to trick the device into more tokens. This is for non-PAYG purposes
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource. thi = 0, means there is no more timeseries data. Any number greater than zero can be used for indicating which data proceeds especially when the timestamp is the same.
Dummy “dmy” Optional AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths
Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor map header 1 Read-Write TEMP 1.0 encapsulating the rest of the properties
TEMP resource version "rv" 3 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only TEMP 1.0 10 (major/minor digits)
Timeseries History remaining “tsh” 2 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 Any resource with one or more timeseries properties is enabled with this optional property which can indicate that the device has stored historical data while offline that it can sequentially upload to the gateway via multiple reads
Current Temperature "temp" 5 Read-Only,Mandatory,Scope: Time-series TEMP 1.0 0-128C in ½ degree increments
Max Temperature "tmax" 5 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series TEMP 1.0 0-128C in ½ degree increments
Max Temperature "tmin" 5 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series TEMP 1.0 0-128C in ½ degree increments
Temperature upper limit threshold "hlim" 5 Read-Write,Optional,Scope: Client Attr TEMP 1.0 0-128C in ½ degree increments
Temperature lower limit threshold "llim" 5 Read-Write,Optional,Scope: Client Attr TEMP 1.0 0-128C in ½ degree increments
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only TEMP 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only TEMP 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource.
Dummy “dmy” Optional TEMP 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths
Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
AirLink TimeSeries resource version "rv" 4 Float (uint16_t),Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 1.0
Timeseries History remaining “tsh” 2 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Any resource with one or more timeseries properties is enabled with this optional property which can indicate that the device has stored historical data while offline that it can sequentially upload to the gateway via multiple reads
Time Series Data Format "df" 1 Mandatory,Read-Only,Integer AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 following DF in OpenPAYGO Metrics (in case device has GSM). 0 if not used
Productive Equipment Type "pue" 2 Read-Only,Integer,Mandatory AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 e.g. "Surface Pump", "Borehole Pump", "Fishing Light" etc preregistered types
BatteryDevice "bat" 1 Read-Only,Integer,Mandatory AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Yes/No Yes = it has an internal or system level battery
Device Fault "ft" 1 Mandatory,Read-Only,Integer,Enum AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Same as Advertisement packet
Device Fault Data "ftd" 2 Integer,ByteArray,Optional AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Can contain details of error e.g. over-pressure error could contain max pressure measured
seconds since data measured "ss" 6 Read-Only,Mandatory,DateTime AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 seconds passed since last /pu data pull by any gateway device - presumption is that gateway transmits the data to server. Useful for devices that store a rolling history of data
Productive Output Primary Metric "op" 4 Optional Grp 1,Read-Only,Integer AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 e.g. Water output for pumps in Litres/hour
Productive Output Primary Set Limit ”opl” 4 Optional Grp 1,Read-Write,Integer AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 The limit of primary product Output Eg. 100L/H for the pump that can go to 500 L/H
Productive Output Secondary Metric "os" 4 Optional Grp 1,Read-Only,Integer AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 e.g. Pressure for pumps in kPa (1kPa = 10cm water or 0.1 bar)
Productive Output Secondary Set Limit “osl” 4 Optional Grp 1,Read-Write,Integer AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 The limit of secondary product Output Eg. Could be a pressure of 5kPa for the pump that can preduce the pressure of 10kPa
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource.
Dummy “dmy” Optional AirLink PUE Timeseries 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths

Energy Consumption Resource /eout

Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
Timeseries History remaining “tsh” 2 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 Any resource with one or more timeseries properties is enabled with this optional property which can indicate that the device has stored historical data while offline that it can sequentially upload to the gateway via multiple reads
Voltage (milliVolts) "vo" 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 Output voltage depending on data format registered by manufacturer
Current (centiAmps) "ao" 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 Output current depending on data format registered by manufacturer
Current Limit (centiAmps) "aol" 4 Optional,Integer,Read-Write energy consumption 1.0 Current limit setting
Power (deciWatts) "po" 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 Output power depending on data format registered by manufacturer
eo 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 'Energy consumed' in deciwatt-hours(Wh / 10). Computed over a time window defined by egs and egp
eos 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 'Energy consumed start'. Minutes in the past (minutes ago) when the reported eg value began accumulation
eop 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Source: Time-series energy consumption 1.0 'Energy consumed period'. Minutes since egs over which the value of eg was accumulated. For example, if egs is 60, and egp is 60, the value of eg represents the watt-hours generated during the past hour
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only energy consumption 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only energy consumption 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource.
Dummy “dmy” Optional energy consumption 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length Characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths

Energy Generation Resource /ein

Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
Voltage (milliVolts) "vi" 4 Read-Only,Integer,Optional energy generation 1.0 Input voltage depending on data format registered by manufacturer. We will start with PV in controllers and Output in FL
Current (centiAmps) "ai" 4 Read-Write,Integer,Optional energy generation 1.0 Input current depending on data format registered by manufacturer. We will start with PV in controllers and Output in FL
Power (deciWatts) "pi" 4 Integer,Optional,Read-Only energy generation 1.0 Input power depending on data format registered by manufacturer. We will start with PV in controllers and Output in FL
Type of source "st" 1 Mandatory,Read-Write,Enum,Integer energy generation 1.0 Type of power generator. Known types - 0 = Disconnected/None - autodetected, 1 = DC Solar - autodetected, 2 = AC Grid/microgrid (as a source) - autodetected, 3 = DC Grid/microgrid (as a source) - from gateway, 4 = AC Wind power - from gateway, 5 = DC Wind power - from gateway, 6 = AC Hydro power - from gateway, 7 = DC Hydro power - from gateway, 8 = AC Petrol/Diesel Generator - from gateway, 100 = Unknown - from gateway
eg 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer energy generation 1.0 'Energy generated' in deciwatt-hours(Wh / 10). Computed over a time window defined by egs and egp.
egs 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer energy generation 1.0 'Energy generation start'. Minutes in the past (minutes ago) when the reported eg value began accumulation.
egp 4 Optional,Read-Only,Integer energy generation 1.0 'Energy generation period'. Minutes since egs over which the value of eg was accumulated. For example, if egs is 60, and egp is 60, the value of eg represents the watt-hours generated during the past hour.

Battery Resource /batt

Resource Property Octets Qualifiers Nx Resource Description
cbor header 1 Read-Write encapsulating the rest of the properties
Timeseries History remaining “tsh” 2 Read-Only,Optional,Scope: Time-series PAYG Credit 1.0 Any resource with one or more timeseries properties is enabled with this optional property which can indicate that the device has stored historical data while offline that it can sequentially upload to the gateway via multiple reads
Bat Voltage mV "vb" 4 Read-Only,Integer,Optional Grp 3,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device
Bat charging or discharge current mA "ib" 4 Read-Only,Integer,Optional Grp 3,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device
Bat Pct "cp" 3 Optional Grp 3,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device, charge percentage
Charging Status "cs" 1 Enum,Optional Grp 3,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 0 = No Data, 1 = Charging - fast, 2 = Charging - slow / trickle, 3 = Discharging
Alert Threshold (%) "th" 3 Read-Write,Optional Grp 3,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0
Low battery "lb" 1 Bool,Optional Grp 3,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 0: cp>th 1: cp<th
LastChargeCycle BatPctMin "cmin" 2 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device, Could be Infrequently reported
LastChargeCycle BatPctMax "cmax" 2 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device, Could be Infrequently reported
LastChargeCycle ChgTime "tc" 2 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 in minutes, Only for Battery Device, Could be Infrequently reported
LastChargeCycle ChgUnits (mAh) "qc" 2 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 in milliamp-hours, Only for Battery Device, Could be Infrequently reported
Bat Health "bh" 1 Optional,Read-Only,Integer,Scope: Time-series Battery 1.0 Only for Battery Device, Could be Infrequently reported
Timeseries Timestamp “ts” 5 Read-Only Battery 1.0 TImestamp of when the data is recorded
Timeseries History Index “thi” 4 Read-Only Battery 1.0 Whenever this property is available that means it is a timeseries resource. thi = 0, means there is no more timeseries data. Any number greater than zero can be used for indicating which data proceeds especially when the timestamp is the same.
Dummy “dmy” Optional Battery 1.0 Some Bluetooth chips require fixed-length Characteristics, this dummy can make up for variation in other properties lengths
Battery power management switch “pms” 4 Read-Write AirLink Device Control 1.0 XXXXXXXX - Battery Power management is ON, 0xBA1234CA - Battery Power management switch to OFF (Idle for battery draining during battery calibration), 0xBA1234DA - Battery Power management switched OFF